Tuesday, April 01, 2014


by Scott Turow

Using the myth of Castor & Pollux as an inspiration, Turow tells the tale of two brothers:  Paul and Cass Gianis.  Paul is the uber successful lawyer and politician; Cass is the newly released prisoner, having spent 25 years behind bars for the murder of his girlfriend, Dita.

The time is 2008, and Paul is running for mayor of Kindle County.  With his brother just out of prison, things are looking up for Paul.  But the release of Paul does not please everyone, particularly Dita's brother, Hal.

Hal is convinced that Paul had something to do with Dita's demise, and he will stop at nothing to find the truth.  Fingerprints, DNA samples, and secrets revealed will lead Hal's investigation team to the truth.  But is that what Hal really wants?

Gripping.  This may not be as literary as the typical Turow fare, but it is highly entertaining.


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