Monday, June 30, 2014

Gathering Blue

by Lois Lowry

In this companion novel to The Giver, readers meet Kira.  Kira lives in a dystopic society unlike that of Jonas.  This is a society that has regressed.  It is almost primitive.

Anyway, when we meet Kira, she is mourning the death of her mother.  Her father is already dead, and Kira is unsure of her future.  She was born with a twisted leg and is considered useless by her fellow citizens. 

But Kira is not without skill.  She has a way with “threads,” or what we would call embroidery.  It is this skill that will save her.

Her skill is valued by the government, but this brings Kira, just like Jonas, to a level of information that is troubling.  Can she reconcile the truth of this society with her own reality?  Read and find out!


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